
Input element 1.0.0+

You can pass the all attributes for input element in the component.

<date-picker disabled />
<date-picker readonly />
<date-picker placeholder="تاریخ تولد" mode="single" />

1. For use the style and class attributes, you have to use the input- prefix.

2. input-class attribute replace with class, so if you want to add a new style to input, you have to pass the pdp-input to attribute as well.

<date-picker input-class="pdp-input text-center" />

Div element (Input parent)2.0.0+

You can pass the all attributes for div element in the component.

<date-picker div-id="div" />
<date-picker div-style="border:1px solid  #35b0ab;" />

div-class attribute replace with class, so if you want to add a new style to div, you have to pass the pdp-group to attribute as well.

<date-picker div-class="pdp-group large-shadow" />

Label element2.0.0+

You can pass the all attributes for label element in the component.

For use this feature, you have to use the label prop.

<date-picker label="تاریخ تولد:"  mode="single" label-id="label" />
<date-picker label="زمان اقامت:" label-style="color:  #35b0ab;" />

label-class attribute replace with class, so if you want to add a new style to div, you have to pass the pdp-label to attribute as well.


You can pass the all attributes for div element in the component.

<date-picker picker-id="picker" />
<date-picker picker-style="border: 1px solid  #35b0ab;" />

1. picker-class attribute replace with class, so if you want to add a new style to picker, you have to pass the pdp-picker to attribute as well.

2. I'm not suggesting to use the picker-class.