
format 1.0.0+

Type: String
default value in "date" type is "YYYY-MM-DD"
default value in "datetime" type is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
default value in "time" type is "HH:mm"

the format of the model value

inputFormat 1.0.0+

Type: String
Default: default value equal to the value of "type" prop

the format of the input value

displayFormat 1.0.0+

Type: String
default value in "date" type is "?D ?MMMM"
default value in "datetime" type is "?D ?MMMM HH:mm"
default value in "time" type is "HH:mm"

the format of the value that shows in the footer of picker

from 1.0.0+

Type: String
default value in "date" and "datetime" type is "1300"
default value in "time" type is "00:00"
Example: "1400/7/1" | "1400-7"

the date of start of the picker

to 1.0.0+

Type: String
Default: default value in "date" and "datetime" type is "1499"
default value in "time" type is "23:59"
Example: "1400/7/1" | "1400-7"

the date of end of the picker

show 1.0.0+

Type: Boolean
Default: false

show or hide the picker

clickOn 1.0.0+

Type: String
Default: "all"
Values: "all" | "input" | "icon" | "none"

show the picker with click on the some sections

Type: Boolean
Default: false

show the picker in modal mode

label 1.0.0+

Type: String

text for label tag

column 1.0.0+

Type: Object | Number
Default: { 576: 1 }
1. you can send the number of column or send the object of the number of column in the breakpoint.
2. if the breaking point in the object is not specified, the default value it's 2

number of column

autoSubmit 1.0.0+

Type: Boolean
Default: true

submit when date selected or not

mode 1.0.0+

Type: String
Default: "range"
Values: "range" | "single"

mode of select date

locale 2.0.0+

Type: String
Default: "fa"
Values: "fa" | "en" | "fa,en" | "en,fa"
Except above values, you can add the language in "localeConfig" prop and use it.

the locale of datepicker

clearable 2.0.0+

Type: Boolean
Default: false

user can clear the selected dates or not

disable 2.0.0+

Type: Array | String | Function | RegExp

disable some dates or time

type 2.0.0+

Type: String
Default: "date"
Values: "date" | "time" | "datetime"

the type of picker

localeConfig 2.0.0+

Type: Object
    fa:  {
        calendar: "jalali", // "jalali" | "gregorian"
        weekdays: ["ش", "ی", "د", "س", "چ", "پ", "ج"],
        months: ["فروردین", "اردیبهشت", "خرداد", "تیر", "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی", "بهمن", "اسفند"],
        dir:  {
            input: "rtl",  // "rtl" | "ltr"
            picker: "rtl", // "rtl" | "ltr"
        translations:  {
            label: "شمسی",
            picker: "تقویم شمسی",
            prevMonth: "ماه قبل",
            nextMonth: "ماه بعد",
            now: "هم اکنون",
            submit: "تایید",
            /* The below properties uses in shortcuts. If you don't use the shortcuts, ignore them. */
            // date-single
            yesterday: "دیروز",
            tomorrow: "فردا",
            firstOfWeek: "اول هفته",
            lastOfWeek: "آخر هفته",
            // date-range
            thisWeek: "این هفته",
            prevWeek: "هفته قبل",
            nextWeek: "هفته بعد",
            thisMonth: "این ماه",
            // time-single
            oneHourAgo: "یک ساعت قبل",
            oneHourLater: "یک ساعت بعد",
            midnight: "نیمه شب",
            midday: "نیمروز",
            // time-range
            thisHour: "این ساعت",
            prevHour: "ساعت قبل",
            nextHour: "ساعت بعد",
            allDay: "تمام روز"
        inputFormat: 'jYYYY/jMM/jDD',
        displayFormat: 'jD jMMMM',

the config for locales

styles 2.0.0+

Type: Object
    "primary-color":  "#26baee",                                         // primary color of component
    "secondary-color":  "#9fe8fa",                                       // secondary color of component
    "in-range-background":  "#c9f1fb",                                   // background-color of dates between start and end of range
    "icon-background":  "#e9ecef",                                       // background-color of icon
    "text-color":  "#495057",                                            // color of texts and numbers
    "hover-color":  "#000",                                              // color of hovered dates
    "border-color":  "#ced4da",                                          // color of border
    "z-index": 1000,                                                       // z-index of picker
    "disabled-opacity": 0.3,                                               // the opacity of disabled dates
    "overlay-color": "transparent",                                        // color of overlay
    "main-box-shadow": "1px 1px 8px 1px rgba(116, 116, 116, 0.5)",         // box-shadow of picker
    "day-dimensions": "2.08rem",                                           // width and height of dates
    radius: "0.25rem",                                                     // border-radius of dates
    background:  "#fff",                                                 // background-color of picker

the styles of the picker

color 2.0.0+

Type: String
Values: "red" | "pink" | "orange" | "green" | "purple" | "gray"

the color of the picker

shortcut 2.2.0+

Type: Boolean | Object
Default: false

shortcut for select date and time quickly