
Is valid 1.0.0+

Check the date and time.

let p = new PersianDate('1400/1/1 13:7','jalali');
p.isValid(); // true

PersianDate.isValid('jalali', 1400, 1, 1, 13, 7,0,0); // true

If you use Jalali calendar, validate is done for Jalali calendar and if you use the Gregorian calendar, validate is done for Gregorian calendar

p.calendar('jalali').isValid(1400,2,31);    // true

p.calendar('gregorian').isValid(2021,2,31); // false

Is valid date

let p = new PersianDate('1400/1/1 25:00','jalali');
p.isValidDate(); // true

PersianDate.isValidDate('jalali', 1400 , 13, 1); // false

Is valid time

let p = new PersianDate('1400/1/1 12:00','jalali');
p.isValidTime(); // true

PersianDate.isValidTime('jalali', 25, 10, 0, 0); // false

Is leap year 1.0.0+

Determines if the year is a leap year or not.

PersianDate.isLeapYear('jalali', 1399); // true
PersianDate.isLeapYear('gregorian', 2020); // true

let p = new PersianDate('1400/1/1','jalali');
p.isLeapYear(); // false

isLeapYear method has the different behavior in Jalali calendar and Gregorian calendar

p.calendar('jalali').isLeapYear(1399);    // true

p.calendar('gregorian').isLeapYear(2020); // true

Is same 1.1.0+

Check the date is the same as another date.

let p = new PersianDate('1399/6/1 12:20:30.235','j');

p.isSame(1399, 6, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isSame([1399, 6]);   // true  --> this just compare the year and month

p.isSame('1399/13/1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

p.calendar('g').parse('2020-6-1 12:20:30.235');

p.isSame(2020, 6, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isSame([2020, 6]);   // true  --> this just compare the year and month

p.isSame('2020-13-1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

1. You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object, Numbers and Date instance to this method

2. If use this method without the parameter, this date compares with now

Is before 1.2.0+

Check the date is before another date.

let p = new PersianDate('1399/6/1 12:20:30.235','j');

p.isBefore(1399, 7, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isBefore([1399, 6]);   // false

p.isBefore('1399/13/1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

p.calendar('g').parse('2020-6-1 12:20:30.235');

p.isBefore(2020, 7, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isBefore([2020, 6]);   // false

p.isBefore('2020-13-1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

Like isSame method:

1. You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object, Numbers and Date instance to this method

2. If use this method without the parameter, this date compares with now

Is after 1.2.0+

Check the date is after another date.

let p = new PersianDate('1399/6/1 12:20:30.235','j');

p.isAfter(1399, 5, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isAfter([1399, 6]);   // true

p.isAfter('1399/13/1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

p.calendar('g').parse('2020-6-1 12:20:30.235');

p.isAfter(2020, 5, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isAfter([2020, 6]);   // true

p.isAfter('2020-13-1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

Like isBefore method:

1. You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object, Numbers and Date instance to this method

2. If use this method without the parameter, this date compares with now

Is same or before 1.3.0+

Check the date is before or the same as another date.

let p = new PersianDate('1399/6/1 12:20:30.235','j');

p.isSameOrBefore(1399, 6, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isSameOrBefore([1399, 6]);   // false

p.isSameOrBefore('1399/13/1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

p.calendar('g').parse('2020-6-1 12:20:30.235');

p.isSameOrBefore(2020, 6, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isSameOrBefore([2020, 6]);   // false

p.isSameOrBefore('2020-13-1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

Like isAfter method:

1. You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object, Numbers and Date instance to this method

2. If use this method without the parameter, this date compares with now

Is same or after 1.3.0+

Check the date is after or the same as another date.

let p = new PersianDate('1399/6/1 12:20:30.235','j');

p.isSameOrAfter(1399, 6, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isSameOrAfter([1399, 6]);   // true

p.isSameOrAfter('1399/13/1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

p.calendar('g').parse('2020-6-1 12:20:30.235');

p.isSameOrAfter(2020, 6, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235); // true

p.isSameOrAfter([2020, 6]);   // true

p.isSameOrAfter('2020-13-1'); // false --> if date is not valid, returns false

Like isSameOrBefore method:

1. You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object, Numbers and Date instance to this method

2. If use this method without the parameter, this date compares with now

Is between 1.3.0+

Check the date is between two other dates.

let p = new PersianDate("1399/6/1 12:20:30.235",'j');

p.isBetween([1399, 5, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235], "1399/7/1 12:20:30.235"); // true

p.isBetween('1399/1/1'); // true --> if you not pass the date, compare with now date

p.isBetween("1399/7/1", "1399/13/1"); // false --> if date given is not valid return false

p.isBetween("1399/7/1", "1399/5/1"); // false --> the smallest date should be a first parameter

p.isBetween("1399", "1400"); // false --> this just compare the year

You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object and Date instance to this method

The three argument determines the method of compare. [ includes the date itself also and ( excludes the date itself for compare.

p.isBetween("1399", "1400", "[)");         // true

p.isBetween("1399/5", "1399/6", "[)");     // false

p.isBetween("1399/5", "1399/6", "(]");     // true

p.isBetween("1399/6/1", "1399/6/1", "[]"); // true

Is in array 2.6.0+

Check the date is in array of dates.

let p = new PersianDate("1399/6/1 12:20:30.235",'j');

p.isInArray([[1399, 6, 1, 12, 20, 30, 235], "1399/7/1 12:20:30.235"]); // true

p.isInArray(["1399/1/1", "1399/7/1"]); // false

p.isInArray("1399/7/1", "1399/6/1"); // true

p.isInArray("1399", "1400"); // true

You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object and Date instance to this method

Is Date 1.3.0+

Check the input is instance of Date or not.

PersianDate.isDate(new Date()); // true

p.isDate(); // false

p.isDate(new PersianDate()); // false

Is PersianDate 1.3.0+

Check the input is instance of PersianDate or not.

PersianDate.isPersianDate(p); // true

p.isPersianDate(new Date()); // false

p.isPersianDate(new PersianDate()); // true

Min 1.4.0+

Returns the minimum of the given dates.

let p = new PersianDate()

let nowruz = p.clone().parse("1400/1/1");

let firstOfYear = p.clone().calendar('g').parse("2020-1-1");

p.min(nowruz, [1399, 7, 2], { y: 1399, M: 10, d: 1 }, "1399-7-1 12:30"); // "1399-7-1 12:30"

p.calendar('g').min(firstOfYear, [2020, 7, 2], { y: 2020, M: 10, d: 1 }, "2020-7-1 12:30"); // firstOfYear

1. You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object and Date instance without limit to this method

2. if parameters not send or invalid parameters send, returns false

Max 1.4.0+

Returns the maximum of the given dates.

let p = new PersianDate()

let nowruz = p.clone().parse("1400/1/1");

let firstOfYear = p.clone().calendar('g').parse("2020-1-1");

p.max(nowruz, [1399, 7, 2], { y: 1399, M: 10, d: 1 }, "1399-7-1 12:30"); // nowruz

p.calendar('g').max(firstOfYear, [2020, 7, 2], { y: 2020, M: 10, d: 1 }, "2020-7-1 12:30"); // { y: 2020, M: 10, d:1 }

1. You can pass the PersianDate instance, String, Array, Object and Date instance without limit to this method

2. if parameters not send or invalid parameters send, returns false